PF Moncton - pfTV + Gym Music

  80 MAPLETON RD UNIT #2, Moncton, NB E1C 7W8

Now Playing at PF Moncton - pfTV + Gym Music

Ariana Grande

Into You - 3LAU Remix

Get the Rockbot app and request the music at PF Moncton - pfTV + Gym Music!

Now Playing at PF Moncton - pfTV + Gym Music

Ariana Grande

Into You - 3LAU Remix

Get the Rockbot app and request the music at PF Moncton - pfTV + Gym Music!

PF Moncton - pfTV + Gym Music is using Rockbot to create the best music experience at their business.

Top Artists at PF Moncton - pfTV + Gym Music

  • Living Colour

  • Dexys Midnight Runners

  • Eminem

  • Usher

  • Nirvana

  • Chris Brown

  • Zach Bryan

  • Guns N' Roses

  • Skrillex

  • Linkin Park

  • Djo

  • Korn

Today's Specials

  • Get Rockbot and influence the music!